Tuesday, June 15, 2010

About me

The Blogging Starts!

Hi guys. If your reading this then theres a chance that your into the same things as me which is great! Heres some things about me. I'm a extremely proud vegetarian (not vegan, I do eat eggs). I just had to clarify that because I get asked that a lot! I am very interested in makeup, skin care and hair styling. I am also highly against animal testing and I absolutely try my hardest not to use products that are not tested on animals. Yes, no matter how good the product is, I still will refuse to use it regardless of how good it is! It is wrong and inhumane.

I am currently 14 turning 15, can't wait! And through my past and future experiences I would like to share with you and hopefully through this I can help you. I will be reviewing things on my blogs and I would like to point out that I DO NOT get paid or bribed for this. These companies would have most likely never have heard of me. But surely I've heard of them and if their good enough, or in some cases bad enough. They'll be in my blogs.

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